2017-07-31 6:56 pm
I'm currently dieting to lose weight. I'm doing a normal healthy diet and exercising six days a week. This is stuff I've never normally done. I've completed one week and I've some how put on 2lbs. How is this physically possible when Im eating less and better than I used to and also exercising far more than I used to?

回答 (3)

2017-07-31 6:59 pm
Because of the exercise you are putting on "Good Weight" via Muscle, which expands as you exercise, so really you are not gaining at all, and you will soon see the numbers on the scale drop in your favor. Don't give up.
2017-08-01 7:28 pm
You need to eat and drink 1200 calories a day.
Using 3600 calories more than you eat will lose 1 pound.
The best you can hope for is losing 3 pounds a week.
2017-07-31 6:57 pm
You are probably underweight/close to underweight already and now you build muscle.

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