Chemistry $ gas laws?

2017-07-31 5:47 am
An evacuated flask weighed 20.7g.
When it filled with dry hydrogen, it weighed 20.94g.
When it filled with dry unknown gas at STP, it weighed 29.32g.Find the molar mass of the unknown gas.

回答 (3)

2017-07-31 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mass of H₂ = 20.94 - 20.7 g = 0.24 g
Molar mass of H₂ = (1.0 × 2) g/mol = 2.0 g/mol
No. of moles of H₂ = (0.24 g) / (2.0 g/mol) = 0.12 mol

Under identical conditions (i.e. STP), equal no. of moles of gas occupies equal volumes (i.e. the volume of the flask).
No. of moles of the unknown gas = No. of moles of H₂ = 0.12 mol

Mass of the unknown gas = 29.32 - 20.7 g = 8.62 g
Molar mass of the unknown gas = (8.62 g) / (0.12 mol) = 71.8 g/mol
2017-07-31 10:13 am
At standard temperature and pressure, the volume of one mole of a gas is 22.4 liters. To determine mass of hydrogen in the flask, subtract the two masses.

Mass H2 = 20.94 – 20.7 = 0.24 grams
The mass of one mole of hydrogen is 2 grams. Let’s determine the number of moles of hydrogen in the flask.

n = 0.24 ÷ 2 = 0.12 mole
To determine the volume of flask, multiply the number of moles by 22.4.
V = 0.12 * 22.4 = 2.688 liters

To determine the mass of the unknown gas, subtract the mass of the flask from the mass of flask and unknown gas.

Mass = 29.32 – 20.7 = 8.62 grams

This is mass of 2.688 liters of the unknown gas. Let’s use the following equation to determine mass of 22.4 liters of this gas.

8.62 ÷ 2.688 = M ÷ 22.4
M = 193.08 ÷ 2.688

This mass of one mole of this gas is approximately 71.83 grams. I hope this helps you to understand how to solve this type of problem.
2017-07-31 6:52 am
If you start with the ideal gas law
.. PV = nRT

for 2 gases
.. P1V1 = n1RT1
.. P2V2 = n2RT2

dividing and rearranging a bit
.. P1V1 / (n1T1) = P2V2 / (n2T2)... . <---- remember this !!!

now we have 2 gases.. H2 and the unknown gas
and we know that molar mass = mass / mole ---> n = mass / mw
where "mw" is that molar mass or molecular weight or whatever else you want to call it
.. P1V1 / ((mass1 / mw1) * T1) = P2V2 / ((mass2 / mw2) * T2)

.. P1*V1*mw1 / (mass1*T1) = P2*V2*mw2 / (mass2*T2)
.. mw2 = mw1 * (P1/P2) * (V1/V2) * (mass2 / mass1) * (T2 / T1)

and because P1 and T1 weren't mentioned, the only way to solve this is to assume
.. P1=P2
.. T1=T2
.. V1=V2.... the container size was the same
so that all those terms drop out leaving
.. mw2 = mw1 * (mass2 / mass1)

.. mw2 = 2.016g/mol * ((29.32g - 20.7g) / (20.94g - 20.7g)) = 72.4 g/mol

not sure why the other folks here are using 2 g/mol for the molar mass of H2 then reporting the result to 3 or 4 sig figs. Perhaps they would like to explain

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