What should I do about my job?

2017-07-30 2:59 pm
To make a long story short, around 5 months ago I was given paperwork from my boss showing me my vacation days, sick days, etc. They gave me the wrong paperwork showing I more days off then what I did, and didn t decide to inform me until I used all of them, but the paperwork I had showed I had more. They gave me the right paperwork and said I don t have any more time off. Then I asked about a vacation I had planned later on this year. The main boss said I can have those days off, but I will not be paid for them. I said it was fine, as long as I can have the days because I had it planned out from the paperwork and had the days available. Now the person that gets the time off requests is throwing a fit saying if I take these days off I no longer have a job. Even though he was in the room when we all agreed about the time off, now he is pulling this. I am going into a meeting with them in a few days to talk about it. Is there anything I can do about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you

回答 (4)

2017-07-30 6:42 pm
Contact a legal expert for a consultation who specializes in workforce relations, as laws differ between states.
2017-07-31 12:38 am
Just be honest. It was a mistake on their part, and you are fine with not being paid for the additional days. Be calm, and see what happens.
2017-07-30 11:18 pm
Doesn't really matter. Take the vacation or not: they're still going to find a reason to fire you.
2017-07-30 8:09 pm
You GROW UP and IMPERSONATE an adult. You have ZERO legal rights in the case you describe.

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