
2017-07-28 10:16 am

回答 (2)

2017-07-29 4:48 am
Unable to answer. However, always assume yes (they are enforceable).

When determining if a contract is enforceable, many factors will be taken into consideration. For example, how it is written, the bargaining power of each side, etc.

In short - there is no definitive answer that if the terms are valid or not as it is a case-by-case situation.

In the reality, given that only a court of law can determine this, and most consumers rarely seek the court to intervene, most consumers will end up in a disadvantage as they are forced to follow the terms that may not even valid.
2017-07-28 10:33 am


免責條款可令某一方於事情出錯時不須承擔責任。如果商戶打算以這種條款避過消費者的索償,該條款必須合理;如被證實為不合理,有關免責條款便可能無效 。在一般情況下,如果商戶因疏忽而導致顧客死亡或受傷,都不能逃避責任。


《不合情理合約條例》 ( 第458章 )只適用於售賣貨品或提供服務的合約,且立約的其中一方是消費者。如果法庭裁定該合約或其中任何部分在立約時已屬不合情理(亦即不公道 / 不合常理),則法庭可按上述條例的 第5條 拒絕強制執行該合約,或只是強制執行合約中不合情理部分以外的其餘部分,或限制任何不合情理部分的適用範圍,或修正、更改該等不合情理部分,以避免產生任何不合情理的結果。

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