Am I wrong for disliking my mother?

2017-07-28 7:29 am
All she does is take my sisters side. I am the youngest and they all disrespect me and talk down to me but if I try to defend myself I'm wrong. Her argument is that because I'm the youngest, my feelings don't matter as much as anyone else's and I don't have a say. All of my feelings are constantly disregarded. Any time I say how I feel she talks about how I don't have a bad life and how I live in a good neighborhood and can get anything I want, as if her buying me things occasionally makes up for the treatment I get. I cry out of frustration because no one ever listens and then im "too emotional" and they laugh at me. When I graduate I want to stay far away from my entire family and I want no contact with them. I want to live my own life and start fresh and bless them with my absence because of how they act towards me. Am I wrong for that?

回答 (4)

2017-07-28 8:46 am
i dont think youre wrong for feeling that way but maybe you should talk to your mom about all this and tell her how it makes you feel
2017-07-28 7:44 am
2017-07-28 7:37 am
I've had somewhat the same experience. And disliking your mother does not make you a bad person. Mother's can be disrepectful and rude and just because your her child does not make you entitled to like her despite the way she treats you. It sounds like emotional abuse a bit. All in all based on what you've said and claimed you have a reason to dislike her and you are not in the wrong she is. Best of luck.
2017-07-28 7:37 am
no, i dont really like mine, but shes not my biological mother so

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