My mum keeps walking into my room without knocking. What do I do?

2017-07-27 3:42 pm
I'm a teenage girl who loves my own privacy. Mostly every morning when I'm getting dressed just out of the shower my mum just walks into my room to give me 1 piece of underwear when I already have some. She just walks in without knocking. Like this morning, I had just got out of the shower and I was about to get dressed, I had no clothes on at all and out of nowhere my mum just walks in. I grabbed my towel but it fell off me because I was so panicked. I hate it when she does this. What can I do?

回答 (7)

2017-07-27 4:18 pm
news flash - she gave birth to you and has seen all your "girl parts" many times now
2017-07-27 9:19 pm
You can't lock the door since its not yours. You are a child so you own nothing and have no right to lock the door and no right to privcay.

You clearly are doing things you are not supposed to be doing since you want the door shut and locked all the time so your mom needs to be a good parent and take the door away, take all the electronics away and make any computer or game system stay int he family room
2017-07-28 7:44 am
buy u a cheap chain lock...they cost bout 3 dollars..
2017-07-27 7:13 pm
You need to talk to your mom. Don't be afraid to tell her how it really makes you feel when she doesn't knock on your door. You mom should know better. Your
mom needs to respect your privacy. Ask your mom how she would feel in you did that to her.
2017-07-27 4:01 pm
You can lock your door or put up a sign that says "knock before coming in".
2017-07-30 11:44 am
maybe you need to get a lock for your door
2017-07-28 6:56 am
Taaaaaaaaaaaaaalk to her. It's not hard. Girls are supposed to be good at this.

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