Would the Nikon B700 COOLPIX be a good camera choice for me? Read all below?

2017-07-27 1:32 pm
I m a beginner photographer who previously has been using my iPod camera and a Fujifilm Intax Mini 8. I m looking for a digital upgrade that does well in low light. I tend to shoot sunsets, animals, portraits, city lights/city scapes, fireworks, etc.. Please forgive me for being an absolute noob but I m trying to figure out which camera might be worth looking into. Any thoughts or opinions are appreciated!

回答 (3)

2017-07-27 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Apart from shooting in low light (due to the small 1 /2/3 sensor and poor dynamic range, and noisy higher ISO settings), I think you'd get a lot of enjoyment out of a B700 and it may enthuse you one day to get a mid range or or even 35mm DSLR as a meaningful upgrade.

What you probably should do, for the same price, is get a used DSLR from a reputable dealer and experiment with it.


from most trade sellers you'll need to add a lens to it.



With an 18-135mm (like a 7x zoom) lens you will easily discover where your limitations are and what your next lens should be. If you're using the long end a lot then get a telephoto lens. Using the short end a lot then get a very wide angle lens. Fiddling around with close-ups then get a macro lens.
2017-07-28 1:06 am
The small sensor size will give issues in low light situations. However, it does have a very wide zoom range and for casual pictures will be fine.
For the same price, you can get a Sony RX-100 which is pocket sized and has a much larger 1" sensor. The zoom range is limited, but will cover a focal length range that is ideal for common usage.
2017-07-27 4:15 pm
No, that camera won't do at all. Unfortunately, because you're a noob, you wouldn't be able to handle the right one either. If you really want to shoot all those things and more, you really should learn photography. The best camera to do that is a fully adjustable camera like a dSLR or mirrorless one. Any dSLR will do, they are all basically the same and all are good. With mirrorless, see the pricier ones.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:34:57
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