Do You Think Which Language Is Better? Golang or Swift?

2017-07-27 1:04 pm

回答 (7)

2017-07-27 1:13 pm
Australian m8
2017-07-27 1:13 pm
The Bogan/Gerneral whatever the f*ck accent Lauren has
2017-07-27 1:06 pm
2017-07-27 3:24 pm
2017-07-27 1:11 pm
2017-07-27 1:07 pm
I think both language has their own importance . which one is better is depend on that person in which language he or she feel comfortable to communicate .
2017-07-27 1:06 pm
Stop trying to learn elf languages and Star Trek. Learn something useful like engineering or computers. You will thank yourself later.

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