Why do liberals lie about being paid to protest?

2017-07-27 11:56 am
I was a liberal up until about two years ago and I have been paid to protest like 4 times! I went to these things with "friends" who were also paid (sitting right beside me getting paid) but look me dead in my face and deny it!

回答 (8)

2017-07-27 11:57 am
"Do you think I'm pretty?"
2017-07-27 12:01 pm
Isn't it past your bedtime, junior?
2017-07-27 11:58 am
If it makes you feel better....personally, I think they are upset because republicans don't want to represent all Americans. It's makes them feel like they shouldn't support conservatives.
2017-07-27 12:24 pm
bc they just pay me a token amt;

its trivial
2017-07-27 12:16 pm
Your question is a boring like.
2017-07-27 12:13 pm
I do it for fun not money.
2017-07-27 11:59 am
That's a sweet gig! I have NEVER been paid to protest, nor have I ever been offered money or any other tangible goods to protest.
2017-07-27 11:58 am
Republicans were the ones paying them.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:41:04
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