How did you get your depression?

2017-07-27 2:58 am

回答 (14)

2017-07-27 3:33 am
emotional pain
mental suffering
2017-07-27 5:55 pm
My mother was undiagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder until I was 20, growing up was nothing but yelling and fighting. Telling me I wasn't doing it right or not good enough. My bio father was an abusive drunk who sent my step mom to the hospital almost killing her. I was raped by one of my best friends when I was 18. But I haven't seen my bio dad in three years, my step mom is alive and well, and my mother is now on medication that has helped her regulated her feelings. I've found a man that has helped me through my darkest self. Although I still battle the sadness every day it's slowly becoming easier to ignore all the bad
2017-07-27 3:00 am
Breakup with girlfriend
2017-07-27 2:58 am
Bullies,people who get into my life WITH NO REASON!
2017-07-31 3:40 pm
Abnormal activity of neural circuits.
2017-07-30 1:54 pm
By watching CNN or MSNBC.
2017-07-29 9:13 am
not being occupied/ sitting around too much doing nothing can make ANYONE think of negative / depressing thoughts , OCCUPY your mind as much as possible i work alot at my job at warehouse so that keeps me very occupied & long hours !
this can END your depression go for a walk / light exercises when you do this it makes your brain produce & release chemicals that makes stress, depression & anxiousness/ anxiety ALL VANISH for HOURS or all day!

i hope this helps you as much as its helped me i really really care ive spent 1000s of hours reading about health and im a Mod of a health forum with alot of traffic
Katie (babyangel)
2017-07-29 8:29 am
A lot of reasons.
2017-07-28 10:42 am
I always new something was wrong with me since I was a kid... I didn't know what it was though... I just always felt sad. When I got to 8th grade is when I learned what the term "depression" really meant. I've always had it, along with Panic disorder and Anxiety...,.
2017-07-28 2:18 am
Years of psychological torment, feelings of uselessness, more & more stress from work. How about you?
2017-07-27 10:56 pm
My anxiety....
2017-07-27 3:02 am
You assume a lot, I don't have depression, rather a sunny cheery disposition.
2017-07-27 2:58 am
I looked into the abyss and it looked back.
2017-07-27 2:58 am
friends stopped callin me
to shy to make them

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