Wifi scan tool "wash" is glitchy?

2017-07-27 2:16 am
hi everyone i have been trying to use wash for the last hour but it cant detect my wifi network while it can detect other networks that are far away i've used wash -i wlp3s0 to scan it does have a ouput but no wifi networks i own show up

回答 (2)

2017-07-27 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
As I understand it, "wash" reports on WPS enabled WiFi networks. If your networks are not WPS enabled, then they shouldn't appear.

Having said that, WPS has a major security flaw and should be disabled in your router if you are interested in network security.

As far as I am concerned, unless you are setting up a large number of wireless devices on a new or temporary network, then using WPS is just laziness. Connecting to a WiFi network is normally a one time operation for each device.

For setting up multiple Windows devices, I normally create a text file on a USB pen drive that holds the network pass phrase. Then I can copy and paste the pass phrase into each PC in turn.

I hope this helps.
2017-07-27 4:15 am
well, completely unrelated to your intelligent linux (or unix?) question is that wifi range extenders are $20 on ebay.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:47:29
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