Why is suicide considered "selfish?"?

2017-07-26 3:56 am
Why is it considered selfish when you have nothing to live for? When you are a burden to others? When you cause problems? When nobody cares? Alot will say they care but they dont. I figure they just dont want trouble or to feel responsible. What are your views?

回答 (8)

2017-07-27 10:36 am
its because the people who do care for you will feel guilt. theyll feel like they did nothing to prevent it and they will take it to their graves. they will be constantly haunted by you and will always feel sorry. the ones who commit suicide will always say that no ones loved them and that they are a burden, but the thing is, when you love someone their troubles are your own. that is a mutual agreement, something that doesnt need to be said. by leaving someone who loves them, they have hurt them in many ways. those who commit suicide may also have children or pets. youre also leaving them behind with no one to lead them through life. they do not want just some random motherly or fatherly figure. people are irreplaceable. you can be as useless as a rock, but you will be carried as a diamond by someone who loves you. that is why it is considered selfish. it is painful for those around you, and you are saved by death. the pain you felt living will continue in others. live lightly
2017-07-26 8:19 am
Because the actions of one affect so many.

And have a cool today

Very best wishes


Source:) studies. RIP WL EC. 1986-89
2017-07-26 7:18 am
Depends what your idea of nothing to live for means. Everyone has a purpose and calling something they are here for. It is not going to be all roses and rainbows all the time. How do you know that someone down the road of life is not going to need you at just the right moment? Life has its ups and certainly its downs. I do understand wanting to stop the emotional suffering and just throw in the towel and check out. If dead was so much better than being alive..there would not be so many trying to extend their lives though various ways.
2017-07-26 4:15 am
You have been given a great gift called life. Yes, life comes with problems--everyone has them. Problems can test us and the people around us. Giving up is never the answer. Your talk about being a burden--how much more of a burden will the memory of your suicide be to those around you? You talk about causing problems--do you also cause love and caring? You talk about others not caring--people care for those who care for them.

Are you so self focused that you fail to help others with their problems, fail to do what you can to make their lives better? No one ever appreciated someone committing suicide, because they are the ones left with the hurt. Some faiths teach that when we die we are reincarnated and forced to face our problems again and again until we finally learn how to deal with them. Do you want to die, only to have to live your life over and over again because you gave up? Courage does not quit. Love does not create new burdens. Selflessness does not blackmail others with the threat of leaving them. Don't wait for life to get better--make it better.,
2017-07-26 4:09 am
They say it because we know people who fall to pieces, blame themselves and never get over when a friend or family member commits suicide. I know that won't make you feel any better but that's why they say it. And I'm sure there are people who would be devastated if you were to give in. I hope you can weather these feelings or get in touch with someone who can help you to overcome them.
2017-07-26 4:06 am
Because it is.

You're not dealing with your problems when you murder yourself, and the people around you, they'll be exposed to a murder, that breaks people, that damages the people that need to clean you up.
Deal with your problems, everything can be fixed, everything.
2017-07-26 4:03 am
Lack of cultural
2017-07-26 3:58 am

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