Would NASA let me be an astronaut if I am an Arab, say if I am fit for all their requirements?

2017-07-24 10:18 pm
I told my parents in the car that I wanted to be an astronaut jokingly (obviously I was being serious, but you know), and then my two brothers had an argument about it. My middle brother told me I couldn't because I was Arab, but my oldest brother disagreed with him saying, "It doesn't matter." Does it really matter whether I am an Arab or not, not because NASA is ethnisist or something, but because maybe they want to avoid any kind of controversy?

回答 (5)

2017-07-24 10:46 pm
If you are an American,
AND you have a STEM degree with a very high standing
AND you have at least 3 years of professional experience after the degree OR 1000 hours as a Pilot in Command of a jet aircraft AND you pass their physical, then you may be selected.

NASA interviews less than 1% of all qualified applicants, and only about 35% of those get a second interview.
If you are one of those who qualify, and are accepted, then you have to pass a two-year course of study. The current pass rate in the NASA course is 10%.

It is tough, but if you want to try, go for it.
2017-07-24 11:33 pm
If you're fit, if your qualified, if you make it in the astronaut rotation - there's no reason why you couldn't go into space.
But - NASA isn't the only game in town.... The Russian Space Agency may offer a better chance at becoming a cosmonaut; and, there's China - but I would bet they would shy away from foreign-born Taikonauts for a few years.
There's also the Europeans - they have sent men into space on both American and Russian rockets, and they've been researching their own manned missions for the past few years as well (although it may be a while before any manned missions are launched from ESA's port...)
If it's something your serious about - work toward it... study science, math, write to NASA (and RSA, and ESA) and ask what a good approach would be. You only get one shot to fulfill your dreams... Don't miss it.
2017-07-24 10:46 pm
NASA astronauts are all US citizens. It's among their requirements. However, there is nothing that would disqualify a US citizen of Arab ethnicity from becoming an astronaut--although he or she will also need strong background in science and/or engineering as well as leadership skills and, ideally, experience flying airplanes.
2017-07-25 3:51 pm
I think that Arabs should only be astronauts in Arab countries. Jews should only be astronauts in Israel. Blacks should be astronauts only in African countries.
2017-07-25 3:44 am
You older brothere is correct, and obviously snmarter both youi and you mioddle brother.

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