Will the doctor see my self harm scars during a physical exam?

2017-07-23 1:56 pm
I have scars on my upper thigh from self harm. Don't worry. I have a therapist and I have help. I'm just worried because I have to do a physical before school starts and I am worried that my parents will find out about the cuts. If there's no way to avoid him seeing the scars, are there any ways to cover them up?

回答 (2)

2017-07-23 2:04 pm
More than likely the doctor will see. Explain that you are getting help though and you should be ok. They may ask you a few questions.
2017-07-23 2:01 pm
yes, he /she definitely might see them...
the important point is your getting professional help for the soul problems underlying your cutting yourself....
please, stay strong and forever- blessed and kept safe and proof from all harm....

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