What is the different between (rich) and (well-off)?
回答 (1)
1. It usually refers to money and having enough to be comfortable.
2. It depends on your definition of what rich is. You can be rich in many ways besides money. Being wealthy is one way to be "well off" and also having enough to live on and enjoy the finer things in life and things you like to do can be considered well off.
二、rich - 局部摘錄自Longmam - 意思太多了
1. wealthy – 指有錢
someone who is rich has a lot of money and valuable possessions
2.containing a lot of something – 含有??豐富物質 - 與錢無關
food contains a lot of butter, cream, or eggs, which make you feel full(吃飽)
very quickly – 高熱量食物 – 與錢無關
3. a rich fruit cake us fruits are rich in vitamin C. - 與錢無關
4.full of interesting or important facts, events, or ideas – 豐富的人文 – 與錢無 關
the rich literary tradition of England
5. a rich smell or flavor is strong and pleasant 濃郁氣味- 與錢無關
the rich scent of the pine trees
meat with a wonderfully rich flavor
6. color is strong and attractive – 濃厚吸引人色彩 - 與錢無關
a rich dark brown color
7. sound is low and pleasant – 磁性誘人嗓音 - 與錢無關
the rich tone of a cello/大提琴
8. rich soil is good for growing plants – 土壤肥沃 - 與錢無關
Vegetables grow well in the rich, black soil.
9. rich cloth is expensive and beautiful – 高貴的 - 與錢無關
She stroked/(用手)撫,摸 the rich velvet of the dress
三、由 “-“ 連接起來的字,字意較窄,但既字自創(組合字)便可有原先不具有之任何需要詞性
四、大致來說辛苦工作全家合諧的小老闆,他是well off 不是rich,愛炫的生意人他會說他是rich
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