Disk Clone Question?

2017-07-21 2:07 am
I have an old laptop and a brand new Surface Pro. My old laptop is running Windows 10. I want to copy the exact contents of the old laptop onto the Surface Pro. Every file must be in the exact same order. How can I go about cloning my disk with a USB and how can I use that USB to put the contents on the Surface Pro? They both have USB ports and internet access. What specific freeware can I use to do this?

回答 (3)

2017-07-21 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
A clone of a laptop drive onto a different machine will not boot, nor work properly. The boot fails because MS puts specific boot code based on the PC hardware Windows is installed on. Also, a laptop Windows license will not work on the Surface Pro, invalid license...
Best to simply copy all your personal files and install whatever applications you want on the new machine.
2017-07-21 2:22 am
Your old laptop has drivers for old hardware, you don't want old drivers mess with new hardware.
2017-07-21 2:12 am
Well you wouldn't want to clone your old laptop's HDD. Cloning means that everything on the HDD will be cloned to the new storage. That also means that it will replace Windows 10 with whatever system your laptop had.

You are better off transferring your files through a flash drive or network instead of cloning.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:34:11
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