I don't know what to do about my long distance situation? Help!?

2017-07-18 8:36 am
My boyfriend and I are very serious and plan on having a life together after school. Don't even talk about our ages, I know we're young, but that's not the point. The point is, I'll be in my first year of college when he turns a senior. He lives 16 hours away from me, and he can't transfer schools here. I don't want to leave my family, but we want to see each other. He said I could move there for a year and save money for college. I feel like I wouldn't be saving any money, because moving far wouldn't help, plus I'd be renting my own place and have to find a new job. I don't want to put a year off of college either, because I have a lot going for myself. I told him he could move here, but then again with the school thing. I told him we'll just have to keep visiting each other for another year, and he gets sad. I'd love to live there, but I feel like there's more cons than there are pros. I know it's early to be thinking about this stuff, but I've had a bug up my butt about my future and planning it to a T. I want to know what I'm doing at all times. I still have a year to decide things. I need opinions! Thank you :)
Note: I will not take into consideration any opinions of breaking up or being mean about it.

回答 (5)

2017-07-18 8:43 am
I think you are very right not to move there. You shouldn't put your college plans on hold unless you absolutely have to. That's how people end up not going to college. If you guys are meant to be, you will make it through the long distance. And at the end of that, you will have a degree in a good college that will help be the foundation for your job and future life together, and which will more than pay for the time and effort you took into getting it while you are apart. He's asking you to derail your future so you can be close for a little longer. That's not right, and long term it could be very bad for your relationship. He needs your help to see that taking the time to get your education and build a better future is more important than being long distance a bit longer when you have your whole life together.
2017-07-18 9:06 am
You are right. There are more cons than pros about putting off school so you can live near your boyfriend somewhere else.
2017-07-18 8:46 am
First question is first. If you lost your virginity to this guy, don't feel guilty when you leave. I kniw what it's like to be 15 and young and in love. I'm 21 now and my first and only relationship lasted 5 years and was always distant. Dating young, and having distance is not the best idea. If he loves you, you'll wait till 18 and see if you guys can move in with each other. What you don't know about young men is they will have trouble showing action, but are willing to say a lot. So I know where your coming from. I even got to live with him... something I dreamed of since I was 16 and guess what... I was completely miserable. When I first met him he was into sports and was an A and Be student, he was 14 I was 15. Flash foward to 21 and he doesn't have a highschool diploma at age 21. I'm telling you. Your hormones and your heart crave love. Save it till your 18. I promise. Just be friends with them.
2017-07-18 8:42 am
You just keep doing what you're doing - he's trying to coax you into moving closer, at the expense of your education. You know that's a bad idea, and obviously you're good at math.

Stick to your plans, and let him know you care about him. If he's really serious, he'll find a way to be near you- but once you get to college, your relationship will likely fall away. It happens no matter how hard you try, and how well suited you are for each other. And you deserve the chance to grow, so go. Do not change any of your college plans for anyone. You deserve this, and it would be stupid to change anything for a boy.
2017-07-18 8:49 am
if you're so serious and love each other, I don't see why you'd ever think moving away would be an option. for school or not.

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