Is there something wrong with Yahoo Answers. I do not see any new questions.?

2017-07-18 2:38 am

回答 (6)

2017-07-18 2:44 am
been broke, AGAIN, for the past week or so.
2017-07-18 2:42 am
This is an on-going glitch that's been happening for over a month now.
2017-07-18 3:00 am
I have noticed the same thing...
2017-07-18 2:57 am
Questions disappear after about 3 hours same old story
2017-07-18 6:57 am
Did you ask this question last week or today and Idont know when you will see my answer lol
2017-07-18 4:07 am
Same old glitch. However, if you have a link to a favourite contributor, you can see all their questions.
2017-07-18 4:00 am

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