Could i still be pregnant or am i good?

2017-07-15 10:24 pm
Ok so im on birth control and have taken it consistently all month except this one time where i took it two hours late. The partner i have also has not came inside me (pull out). My period is supposed to come tomorrow however usually i start spotting by now but im not. I only have one more pill and after that i wont have anymore to take so ill bleed regardless. If i do bleed could it still be possible that i could be pregnant? Because with birth control, when you stop taking your pills you bleed whether its time for your period or not.

回答 (1)

2017-07-15 10:43 pm
You only bleed because your progesterone levels drop. If you were pregnant, your progesterone levels would not drop low enough even after finishing your active pills.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:39:03
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