畫這張畫時 我想起以前讀室內設計的時候 可以翻成 When i drawing the picture made me think back to my study interior design 嗎?qwq?

2017-07-15 9:57 pm

回答 (2)

2017-07-15 10:06 pm
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Whdrawing the picture made me think back to my study interior design (X 文法錯誤太多了)
Working on this piece made me think of the time when I was studying interior design.
Drawing this piece reminded me of the time when I was studying interior design.
It reminded me the time I was studying interior design to work on this piece.
2017-07-15 10:48 pm
正確譯法應該是When I draw the picture I recall the time when I study interior design.

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