Did Thomas Edison steal Nikola alternating current invention?

2017-07-14 1:18 pm
I've read books about various inventions Nikola Tesla discover that were stolen by Thomas Edison. Is Mr. Edison a simple business that stole inventions from the genius Mr. Tesla?

回答 (4)

2017-07-14 3:08 pm
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I do not really see it that way. It is just that Edison initially was not sure if his incandescent lamp would work with Tesla's alternating current. Tesla was working on high voltage and high frequency electric power supply, which was supposed to be safer and was more efficient. Edison's 60 cycle power supply system was more inviting to capitalist because they saw the cash flow and the great industry that it promised. Tesla's system would not kill anyone by electrocution, and it can light a lamp without wires. Problem is that it seemed to be less profitable and demanded more capitalization. The 2 phase and 3 phase system of Tesla is still being used today. It is just that Tesla is too advanced of his time.
2017-07-14 2:23 pm
its what capitalists do that is why there are patents and copyright
2017-07-14 1:51 pm
2017-07-14 2:47 pm
There is a recent trend to blacken the name of Edison, it is not entirely fair.

I am amazed you managed to write such an inarticulate question if you have actually read books – best to go back to worrying about your tiny penis.


Little cultural appropriation mixed with bald jingoism going on is there?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:36:55
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