Are there female demons? In the bible?

2017-07-13 9:35 pm
I was reading the KJV bible and it seems as every demon/Angel is referred to as an 'He' where do the idea of succubus come from? Or could a demon look female/male if it wanted to and it doesn't matter?

回答 (8)

2017-07-13 11:30 pm
We are never told the gender of demons. All angels are male.
2017-07-13 10:02 pm
There are no femal angels. PEriod.

Demons are fallen angles, so there must be no femasl demons either.

But a demon can POSSESS any human figure it wants to, adn thus APPEAR to be male or female, as suits its purpose.
2017-07-14 7:29 am
All of the angels in the Bible are described
- as male
- as appearing as male
or (in a few cases)
- as appearing as non-living items (e.g. the burning bush was an angel)

None are ever described as female or as having female appearance in the Bible.

Common and ancient Christian doctrine is that all demons are former angels.

This suggests that all demons are also non-female.
Certainly no demons in the Bible are described as being female.

Historical origin of the succubus:
i.e. the oldest-known documents describing this type of demon appear to be Jewish in origin, dating to the Middle Ages.
2017-07-13 11:16 pm
Because the bible was written by men, and written in such a way as to keep women subservient. They couldn't allow a female anything to have any position of power, regardless of where that power originated.
2017-07-13 10:43 pm
A demon can change shape and form to gather its energy it dosent care if it does a homosexual act or heterosex to gather its energy
2017-07-13 10:08 pm
mary magdalin was a super cool herione but the catholics made her into an evil prostitute to disempower women
2017-07-13 10:08 pm
They don't have gender.
2017-07-13 10:08 pm
They are all male, they can present as female at times..

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