How do obese people find love?

2017-07-13 8:46 pm
I've been watching the show My 600 Pound Life and I see most of these obese people on the show having children and spouses or boyfriends/girlfriends. How do they find someone and reproduce? Who would want to sleep with them? I'm not trying to be mean, but when they show them butt naked in the shower it is nauseating to look at them. It just amazes me that they can find someone. I'm not just talking about the ones on the show, I'm talking about fat and obese people in general. Whenever I see fat people in public, many of them have kids or a significant other with them.

回答 (3)

2017-07-13 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"How do obese people find love?" - The same way non-obese people do.
"How do they find someone and reproduce?" - The same way non-obese people do.
"Who would want to sleep with them?" - There are plenty of people for whom weight isn't an issue when selecting a partner for just sex or for a more serious relationship.

What would be more odd, is everyone finding obese people disgusting. Everyone likes something different. Some people PREFER overweight partners, and some people simply don't care all that much what size their partner is.

I attended a wedding several years ago between an obese woman and a healthy-weight man. She was obese when they met, and he didn't have a 'fat fetish', he simply liked her when they met and eventually fell in love. It happens.

If everyone liked the same thing, this world would be dreadfully boring.
2017-07-13 9:20 pm
They weren't always 600 pounds and not everyone focuses on weight to determine sex appeal. As you grow older you will become less shallow to understand this better.
2017-07-13 8:48 pm
Ever heard about gaining weight? In most cases they are not 600 pounds when they meet/get married.

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