If a guy keeps saying I don't care over and over again does he care or no?

2017-07-12 8:47 pm
Okay so I hurt this guy pretty badly in the past. I betrayed him and broke a promise. He missed school one day because of me. He threw up and sent me a pic of his puke over text. He said are you happy you made me throw up? He said by him throwing up it shows he cares. I wasn't really empathic and he said he would stop caring in the future. He has cried over me twice. Now when I text him he says leave me alone and I don't care? Why is this and does he still care or no?

回答 (4)

2017-07-12 9:10 pm
you missed the key in the message. it is : leave me alone.
it does not matter if he cares or not. he wants to be left alone, cuz he is in pain.
the part where is says I dont care, he says to himself every minute, to get over it.
cuz he knows, it is the right thing to do, if he wants to be left alone, he has not let go and dont care.
2017-07-12 8:50 pm
Leave him alone. Why are you bothering him? Seems like you want to punish him for something, is that it? Let the poor chump alone.
2017-07-12 11:54 pm
Whether he does or not... he's told you to leave him alone. If you respect him, you'll do just that.
2017-07-12 9:00 pm
Get rid of this guy.

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