Is a chrome book a good laptop for school?

2017-07-12 11:05 am
So I'm going to school very shortly and I was interested in a chrome book but are they good for school. I'm going to my local college so I'll assume that most and all of my homework will be online on blackboard. I just want to know what your experiences have been with a chrome book if you used it for school and wether or not you would of gotten something different

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2017-07-12 11:49 am
For general web browsing, they should be fine.
However, the main issue with these is that there is a limited amount of software that support ChromeOS compared to macOS or Windows. So, if in a certain class you need to take a test/quiz that requires some sort of lock down browser, you usually can't use it on a Chromebook.

I personally would choose a Windows-based laptop since there is a lot more software for them.

However, if none of your classes use a lock-down type browser, a Chromebook should be fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:36:23
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