Is it right that he blames ME for his DRUG PROBLEM?

2017-07-10 10:33 am
A few days ago I messed with my friend and told him that his ex girlfriend was pregnant with his child. I was able to get away with this because I had just been to the doctor's office where his ex's mom works and said I overheard his ex girl telling a doctor she was pregnant/discussing it. At first he was hesitant to believe me, but I got a girl who is interning there in the grade above us to vouch that it was true, just for joking purposes so she did. Then he completely believed me and freaked out. Now, after a few days of worrying he found out I lied and blamed me because he said he apparently bought $500 worth of marijuana because he was so stressed over it. I said it was his fault that he probably had unprotected intercourse and now I think he owes me an apology for being so rude about it when he's the one who could have almost ****** up his own life if it weren't for me teaching him a lesson.


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2017-07-10 10:42 am

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