國中英語 at which問題?

2017-07-09 5:07 pm
That was a very productive meeting, at which many important dicisions were made.
A. That was a very productive meeting at which many important dicisions were made.
B. That was a very productive meeting which many important dicisions were made at.
C. That was a very productive meeting many important dicisions were made at.


回答 (1)

2017-07-09 6:34 pm
That was a very productive meeting, at which many important decisions were made
--------non difinitive;
(A) That was a very productive meeting at which many decisions were made
-------a definitive decision by the particular subject.
(B)That was a very productive meeting which many decisions were made at
-----put preposition at end=(A)
(C)That was a very productive meeting (where) many important decisions were made (at).
----adv. conj. must be added.

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