should men and women work separately?

2017-07-09 1:08 pm
im a business owner and the women always complain about male employees sexually harassing them, and I've had a few say they were raped. i'm getting tired of it because most of these are false accusations. Should i have men and women work separately?

I've had men and women working separately at my business for a while now and i haven't gotten any more complaints from the women. i am genuinely worried about women and think they should work separately from the men for safety reasons.

should other businesses do this practice?

回答 (8)

2017-07-09 2:59 pm
i hate to say it but i agree - women are constantly trying to sexualize every situation it seems like
2017-07-09 1:11 pm
Sounds like BS to me - how can you say they are false accusations?
2017-07-09 1:34 pm
I dont think they will
2017-07-09 1:40 pm
Stop hiring rapists.
Normal men need jobs too.
2017-07-09 1:15 pm
They should definitely LIVE separately.
2017-07-09 1:52 pm
What kind of business are you running there? Are you involved in the day-to-day operations? I've never seen or heard of anything like this happening.
2017-07-09 1:10 pm
2017-07-09 1:09 pm
Nope obviously.
U nee

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