OK, Convenience Store employees: What do you do first, in closing? Do you lock up, first (wise idea), or count the money?

2017-07-08 6:00 am
As, I might've stated in another question of mine, I'm working on story, in which a convenience store is robbed. But I have, perhaps a stupid, question. When you close up, do you lock up, first? Or count the money? I'm at a point in the story, where something has to happen. But I've run into a snag.

I don't know why YA put my question in Arts and Humanities. It's a bout a business procedure, after all. But I chose the category under Arts And Humanities, and I"m writing a story, so I'm kinda glad they did. It's just that, on glance.read, the beginning of the question says nothing to indicate, Arts And Humanities. Anyway, I'll appreciate any help/answers, I can get.


I don't know why YA put my question in Arts and Humanities. It's a bout a business procedure, after all. But I chose the category under Arts And Humanities, and I"m writing a story, so I'm kinda glad they did. It's just that, on glance.read, the beginning of the question says nothing to indicate, Arts And Humanities. Anyway, I'll appreciate any help/answers, I can get.

回答 (1)

2017-07-08 6:07 am
Get a job hippy.

People who work closing don't count money. They drop it in the safe, which in theory can only be opened by the manager, who works mornings. This is so idiots with guns never get more than a couple hundred bucks.

The only thing they ever count is the minimal amount that is left in the drawer, something they've likely done hours before.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:54:30
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