My cockatiel has been excessively picking feathers?

2017-07-07 9:55 am
So I have a male cockatiel he s almost a year old and he s been pretty healthy so far. However today I noticed that he picked a lot of feathers out, full on feathers they re soft and a couple fall out almost everytime he flies. He s been eating, drinking and vocalizing the whole day I just found it odd that he s been feather picking. Could this be just normal moulting or something mor serious? I would take him to the vet but vets cost a lot and it usually turns out to be nothing and since uni not in the position to spend loads of money I was hoping the internet would help haha.

回答 (6)

2017-07-07 10:47 am
It could be his normal moulting. Are there new pin feathers showing?
It could be stress.
It could be nutritional deficiency.
It could be boredom.
2017-07-07 10:42 am
that means hes stressed try to find the source of the stress and fix it
2017-07-10 2:59 pm
It could mean a lot of things
The first one being that he's bored or lonely, you should get him a friend. If you do decide to get him one, watch them closely for the first few weeks. You don't wanna come home to a hurt pet. Try to research what birds would go well with a cockatiel and his personality.

The second being that he is depressed. The best thing you could do would be to find the source or just spend more time with him.He could also be sad about you leaving.
To help with his sadness, try to find his favorite spot to be tickled or petted and just make him feel relaxed. He might like it.

You can tell how your cockatiel is feeling by looking at his crest feathers (the long train of feathers on his head) if it's fully up, he's startled. If it's kinda in the middle, he's happy and he may sing. If he's sad or mad, it'll be completely down. Watch his crest often. If he starts to excessively flap his wings it means that he is really mad and will bite you.

The next being that he isn't getting a healthy diet. Are you feeding him fruits of pellets? Millet isn't very good for your bird and you should give it to them on special occasions. Try doing more research on your food brand and make sure that it doesn't have a trace of dye. Try researching all the ingredients and see what they can do to your bird. It may take time but at least the next time you want to eat something or give it to your bird you'll know what it it is.

At this point, don't move his cage to a new location. He could feel unsafe there. If you have, move his cage back and move it later when he's happyier. Good luck with your bird!!

If it all fails, go see the vet, better safe then sorry anyway.

Good luck with the bird!!
2017-07-13 1:56 am
Does he have bald patches where you can see the down under the feathers> If so it is likely not moulting, but a behavorial problem. You need to identify what the problem is and try to rectify it. Maybe he needs more attention, or there is something that he feels threatened by nearby. Is there a new addition to the house that he may feel has usurped him? Have you been busy and not spent enough time with him lately? Is he spending a lot of time in his cage? Is he bored? that kind of thing.
2017-07-10 8:58 am
hes on heat maybe
2017-07-09 5:59 am
Needs a mate oppisite sex

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