Help with hair removal on my neck and chest?

2017-07-07 7:07 am
A couple of years back, I began shaving my neck because a friend of mine said I had long dark hairs, and I was embarrassed. I also began shaving my chest not long after. I regretted it immediately, but it was too late to turn back.

My issue is that my neck always has either red or black bumps after shaving, and it looks really bad. To avoid this on my chest, I started plucking the dark hairs, only for there to be red, pimple-like bumps all over it. I ve tried everything from using warm rags to soften the hairs to exfoliating to moisturizing after, but my skin never looks normal.

Please help me to remedy this. As a female, it s so embarrassing. I can t wear my hair up without makeup on my neck, and I m too embarrassed to wear v-neck shirts. :(

回答 (3)

2017-07-12 1:50 am
you might look into laser hair removal. Supposedly, it is permanent hair removal.
2017-07-07 8:15 pm
Do waxing monthly once.
2017-07-07 12:30 pm
I would look into waxing, and see if that works better.
If you do not have sensitive skin, you could try a depilatory cream like nair.
If you do shave, use a fresh clean razor and lots of shaving cream to avoid the little bumps.

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