Homeowners insurance on same home one in Montana the other in N.Texas difference in cost?

2017-07-06 11:33 am

回答 (9)

2017-07-12 4:20 pm
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Texas is consistently among the top 5 most expensive home insurance states...especially north TX. 4 of the 5 states have something in common, they are all gulf coast states and the other one is Oklahoma. There is somewhat of a "sliver" area in starting from north TX that practically follows I-35 to the OKC metro. Historically, this area has some of the most volatile weather in the US. Don't focus on tornadoes, its the wind & hail that causes the most damage and new roofs on average could run about $10K to $15K per claim. N TX has a large population base, just think how quickly these claims can add up when a decent severe storm rumbles through the area. I can tell you that certain zip codes in the OKC metro have a distinctly higher rate for home insurance because of recent bad weather that has blown through in consistent paths over a span of 10+ years. However, contrast that with Montana, another large state (4th largest) in terms of land area but the population is just over 1 million people (44th). I understand they have some wildfires and a few earthquakes. Montana can also have some severe storms, but not with the same consistent intensity and frequency as n TX.

Others in here, have brought valid points of why there is a difference between the two states but by far, the main reason is the weather and population base.

One side note, you should only have one primary residence policy and a secondary/vacation residence policy. There are a few slight variations between those policies but I would encourage you to make sure that each home insurance policy accurately reflects your stay for those homes.
2017-07-06 11:38 am
How can one home be in two places? Also, even if it could be, it wouldn't be the same home because the land is different, its value is different, and its situation is different, so the risk is different, meaning the insurance rates will be different.
2017-07-08 9:07 pm
2017-07-08 4:02 am
Yes, because one home might be closer to a fire station, the other not so close, one could be in a bad crime area, the other not. THe insurance companies got this figured out.
2017-07-08 1:33 am
and where is the home located, that will determine what the rate will be, the different companies in different states might have different rates but they will be based on the viability of the house, how serious the surrounding areas are for potential damage etc
2017-07-07 1:38 am
What is the probability of a slip and fall claim and how plaintiff positive is the jurisdiction...that's just on the liability portion of the policy. Property, does it cost more to build in Montana or TX? How about building materials?

Could be the exact same home with dramatically different premiums. Lets not even get into supplemental coverages in this discussion.
2017-07-06 1:29 pm
Yes, there's a difference cost based upon the home's value, its location, the insurance company itself, and the amount of coverage.
2017-07-06 12:50 pm
Looking for an estimate of what it would cost per year on a home that I'm interested in but no agent will give me an estimate unless I have made an offer already in the book w ernest money etc...
2017-07-06 12:41 pm
Yes, the cost of covering the houses is different in each state & in different areas of the state.
2017-07-06 11:42 am
That depends on too many factors, like specific location, details about you, details about the homes, etc.
2017-07-06 11:38 am
They are not the same "home".
Montana has different natural disasters than TX. There is also a different in construction costs, permit costs, and just about everything else.

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