I found a dog on the street? what do i do?

2017-07-06 4:49 am
it's been wandering the street since last night. it's an adult Husky. yesterday night i ignored it cause i thought somebody was watching it. now it's the morning and it's still here. i tied her up in the front of my house and i've been watching it for an 3 hours now.
nobody claimed it was there's. i gave the husky water and dog food because i have a dog of my own.

回答 (8)

2017-07-06 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Take it to see a Vet to see if it is chipped.

or call Animal Control & when they come out to pick it up they can check for the chip.

Glad you got it off the streets so it won't get hit by a car.

Many dogs are on the loose now because of the fireworks last night. This is to be expected, poor guy.
2017-07-06 10:17 am
Call animal control.
2017-07-06 8:35 am
Call animal control; they will take him to shelter where he can be adopted out or returned to his owner. Wish I could have him.
2017-07-06 5:50 am
If you have a vets close to you take it in their as they can scan for a microchip to see if it has one and so reuintite it with its owners. If not you can call RSPCA, SPCA , local council dog warden or similar organisation who can come and pick it up or take it to local police station .
2017-07-06 5:22 am
Bring it to a vet or call Animal Control, they can find out if the dog is microchipped and contact the owners. Huskies are independent dogs and can wander for miles, so the owners might not know to check in your neighborhood. Even if it's not microchipped, if it's at Animal Control, the owners can call in and describe the missing dog and - voila! - be reunited.
2017-07-06 4:58 am
Stop "staking" the dog OUT, it can be stolen or HURT by anyone, or another dog. PLEASE call the ASPCA or your closest local dog shelter & have them PICK THE DOG UP or you need to take the dog in!! That is WHERE the owners will most likely LOOK to find the lost dog. It probably ran off due to FIREWORKS.

Huskies are also NOTORIOUS at ESCAPING and many of the "escapes" they PULL OFF, would make Houdini PROUD. Do not ASSUME the leash or line will HOLD said dog, much longer. You would feel AWFUL if the dog got OFF the leash & got HIT by a car. Call the shelter to come GET it
2017-07-06 5:52 pm
Take it to a rescue. Its THEFT to keep it or give it away and Husky commonly escape yards. It also may have escaped due to fireworks
2017-07-06 4:59 am
Call the pound. If it has tags or a chip, they can call the owners.
2017-07-06 8:02 pm
If it's so cute, I suggest you take it ><

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