What would cause car a/c to condense a lot of water ?

2017-07-06 2:58 am
I have never heard of this before, and may not even be any kind of problem. My car seems like it is dropping a lot of condensation water from the a/c when I park it. The a/c works great - no problem there. But I don't remember this happening before this summer. It has been hot and very humid lately.
2000 Toyota Camry, 4 cylinder.

回答 (36)

2017-07-06 3:07 am
They all do that. The A/C compressor gets very cold and on a humid day water condenses on it like on the outside of a drink with ice. The water drips off it, but of course you only notice it when you park the car. Nothing to be concerned about.
2017-07-06 4:33 am
The 2000 Camry uses an orifice tube expansion device, and when those systems run low on refrigerant, the evaporator core surface can get excessively cold. This is counter-intuitive, I know. It very well could be collecting and dropping more water now compared to last summer.

If the level gets low enough, that evaporator can even freeze over with a layer of ice preventing normal operation by blocking air flow. Since the A/C is blasting nicely now, there's nothing you need to do. But if you ever notice it blows warm air after an hour or two, then works again after being turned off for a while, that's symptomatic of a frozen core, so it would then be time to take it and get the refrigerant charge corrected.

Slow leakage over time is normal. But, you can avoid some of this by running A/C occasionally over the winter, once every few weeks will do it. Churning up the oil and slinging it around the system will keep the compressor seals whetted, keeping in the gas better. If seals get too dried out from dis-use the leaking can be very fast, but in that case Stop Leak additives can then help restore the seals.
2017-07-06 8:30 am
It's normal for the water taken out of the air in the passenger compartment to pour out on the ground through the AC evaporator drain hose. Enjoy the cold air and quit worrying. Doesn't that make you wonder what other things you've never noticed?!!
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2017-07-06 5:34 am
"It has been hot and very humid lately" You have partly answered your own question bit also take notice of Mark's answer.
2017-07-06 4:09 am
NORMAL when humid. To reduce the amount turn off your A/C the last few minutes before you park.
2017-07-06 3:45 am
As the air is cooled the water vapor in it is codensed out. All ACs do that and the higher the humidity the more water, in the form of condensate, is produced. As you said this year has been very warm and very humid so you're seeing more condensate than previously. I know people who place catch pans under the condensate drains of their home AC units and use the caught water to water plants. Great conservation move.
2017-07-06 3:21 am
"It has been hot and very humid lately"

Half the battle in feeling cooler is not only a cooler ambient temperature but also dryer air so your perspiration has somewhere to go. The body cools itself by sweating and if the air is humid or saturated with water your perspiration does not evaporate off of you so you still feel hot.
The A/C dries the air and dumps the water out on the ground, that's your sweat and moisture from the incoming air - a very good thing.
2017-07-09 7:50 am
That's how AC cools the air, by removing the moisture from it. The more moisture in the air, the more condensation.
2017-07-06 4:02 am
The more humidity in the air, the more water the AC will condense out as it does its job. Nothing to worry about unless you get a storm warning.
2017-07-06 5:00 pm
You said the answer to your question:

Very humid!

Here's something that most people don't know or consider:
-Read the definition of humidity.
-Read the definition of relative humidity.
Do you see the difference?

-Engine overhaul mechanic since 1972
-Automotive a/c repair since 1980
2017-07-06 3:41 am
normal when there is high humidity
2017-07-06 8:23 pm
most air con units take the moisture out of the air.
2017-07-06 3:08 am
The water is a natural process as the condenser gets cold. it attracts the moisture from the air surrounding the condenser. The moisture will actually freeze onto the condenser. When you turn your chicle off after parking, it then melts and makes a puddle under the car. Most car manufacturers suggest that one turn off their AC when one is within 5 minutes of approaching their destination. I switch mine off to just blow air. This will allow the condenser to thaw out before you actually turn off your engine.

There is a lot of online discussion regarding this practice, but what it actually does is to allow your system inside and out to dry out before you shut it off. Otherwise all that moisture is stuck inside your vehicle to become dank and smelly and grow mold. Letting it dry out before shutting it off helps to limit the musty AC smell from happening.
2017-07-07 12:17 pm
I would say the extra humidity you are currently experiencing is being condensed by the cold air conditioner condenser and you are seeing more water draining away than normal. I would say the car is draining this condensate away as it was designed to do and there is nothing to worry about and all is normal.
2017-07-08 9:27 pm
參考: Basic science
2017-07-07 11:55 pm
Warm humid air condenses on the A/C unit and the water driops onto the road under your car. It happens to literally ever car with A/C.
2017-07-07 10:47 pm
Hi humidity. U said it. Turn it off a while until ice melts, than turn it back. Unless drain clogged nothing U can do. Even expensive Mercedes' do this.

If drain clogged. blow out little tube under car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WQfZYacEAw

The fact U never saw this before, well, a roll of the dice--a hot, humid, day, you noticed.
2017-07-07 6:27 am
The AC is getting rid of the humidity.
2017-07-07 1:18 am
You just didn't notice it before, hot humid days means plenty of water draining out.
2017-07-07 6:45 pm
It could be the morning dew.
2017-07-06 8:42 am
Well, I think it has something to do with water being wet. Thanks for allowing me to help.
2017-07-13 3:34 am
Dunno. Maybe when it's very humid
2017-07-12 8:52 am
2017-07-12 3:48 am
Water drop accumulation are a natural part of the A/C system.

Humidity means the amount of moisture in the air.

Your A/C acts by use of Heat Transfer - so the reason why an A/C takes so long to cool down is it removes the amount of moisture (humidity) in the air.

When the A/C starts cooling down the air, the moist condenses and forms water drops and then drips off the condensing coil.
2017-07-11 11:06 pm
As other people have pointed out - high humidity.

The only thing you need to worry about is if the condensate line gets clogged and the water ends up inside the car.
2017-07-11 11:07 am
It is normal for the ac to drip a lot of water in the heat we are having at this time. It will be less when it cools off a bit.
2017-07-08 9:33 pm
2017-07-08 1:15 pm
Not too much to worry about.
2017-07-06 10:19 am
change in temperature
2017-07-09 10:43 pm
most air con units take the moisture out of the air.
2017-07-09 3:23 am
2017-07-08 9:38 pm
yes.change in temperature
2017-07-08 4:26 am
a cool down effect
2017-07-08 3:55 am
2017-07-08 3:53 am
Where do you live and what is the humidity? Here in East Texas, we have that condition every spring and summer because the outside air is so humid that it causes the HYVAC unit to condense over and drip off onto the car floor. It's like a cold pipe sweating and dripping in a building. The warm, moist air is drawn to the colder whatever and the humidity sticks and condenses. The only thing you can do to help is to keep the outside air out by putting the unit on inside air only or recirculate. This will help keep the moist air out. And the evaporator is inside the car. Not the condenser. That is outside in front of the engine.
參考: Auto Master tech advisor. Retired.
2017-07-09 1:33 am
Some designs have a tendency to create a low pressure in the plenum chamber where the evaporator is. As a result there is an inflow of air up the drain tube, and this obstructs the drainage function. Consequently when you park, the low pressure "goes away", and all the water in the plenum chamber drains all at once.

The low pressure is often created by the airflow due to movement of the car sucking air out of the passenger space.
2017-07-06 3:36 am
change in temperature
2017-07-08 1:33 pm
Rain and clouds + little boat makes an A/C to yeah it is Rain....

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