Did practically everyone who liked "Andy Griffith Show" like "Dukes of Hazzard"? Are the shows 2 peas from the same pod?

2017-07-05 11:30 pm

回答 (9)

2017-07-05 11:33 pm
Totally different ends of the social spectrum.
Andy Griffith was about Good Family Values and Obeying the Social Rules of Society.
Dukes of Hazzard were technically Immoral Criminals breaking the laws, and ridiculing social morals.
2017-07-05 11:33 pm
Except that they are both based in Southern Locals, they are NOTHING alike

Andy Griffith was about family, morals, doing the right thing,

Dukes was about flaunting the law, short daisy dukes, and cars going bonkers

I never got into Dukes
2017-07-06 12:58 am
No, they aren't the same at all.
2017-07-05 11:33 pm
No, they are from two completely different eras and two entirely different genres.
2017-07-05 11:36 pm
Although I liked both shows I do NOT feel they were all that similar. Family comedies are rather formula, that is all the more similar they were.
2017-07-05 11:36 pm
They are not the same type of shows. I like The Dukes of Hazzard much better.
2017-07-07 6:18 am
Except for Denver Pyle, the two shows didn't really have too much in common.
2017-07-06 6:33 am
They are nothing alike. Andy was in the early '60s. It was about small town life, being good to other people, treating friends like family, and enjoying life. Dukes was sort of a result of the 'Smokey and the Bandit' type movies that were such a big deal in the theaters from '77 on. More about rebelling against law enforcement. Only thing the two shows have in common are that they are both set in the southern US; one in a small town, the other in a wild 'n wooly county. I always loved the Andy show, but despised Dukes.
2017-07-06 9:19 am
They aren't even slightly alike aside from the accents. I liked Dukes of Hazzard growing up, and then got to see an episode later as an adult and was DEEPLY ashamed. What an awful show that was. I mean really terrible. I was evidently a stupid, stupid child.

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