What is wrong with him?

2017-07-05 9:41 pm
Does this guy have any interest in me at all. We are only friends.....but even for friendship he is doesn't communicate. I'm always the person that text first. Although I text first, he texts back quick. I love that but after texting back quickly, he stops the convo in general. When I first gave him my number through Instagram, he texted me right away. He also sent me hearts too. But I don't understand. I feel like I'm chasing him. Today I texted him "tag you're it..." just to say it's time for you to chance me. He responded with "Damn, No fair." What did he mean by that. What do you think I should do.

回答 (3)

2017-07-05 9:43 pm
It seems as though he's not even interested in you as a friend.
Someone who wants to be in your life does not need to be chased into it.
2017-07-05 9:44 pm
Hmmm.... so the guy is ignoring the girl?
You can blame dating advice for that. See, dating articles teach us guys how to make girls chase us because apparently girls "like a challenge". There is a possibility that he likes you but what he's doing is playing hard to get. Lol i'm not sure what you should do but goodluck
2017-07-05 9:51 pm
When will you get the hint that hes lost interest and responds to your texts being polite. I think you should stop chasing him because it makes you look desperate and desperate girls get misused by guys.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:47:07
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