Can a non-regular author publish in a big web-site? Is he/she paid?Is this done through contributors?How long does it take to get an answer?

2017-07-04 8:18 pm

回答 (2)

2017-07-04 9:03 pm
You're going to have to clarify some of your terminology for me to understand what you're asking here.

Does "Can a non-regular author publish in a big web-site?" mean "Can I, an unknown first-time author, have my book sold through a big website?" If so, yes. You can self-publish to Amazon, Nook, and I think iBooks, your work right next to the big names.

The only way authors get paid is through sales, which can be physical books or digital downloads through authorized points of sale.

Authors do not get paid through contributors who chip in, eager to see more of the story. In fact, big-name authors have tried this just to see how it went, and it didn't go anywhere.

How long does it take to get an answer? Right about 42 minutes.
2017-07-04 9:44 pm
Websites like Amazon or Barnes&Nobel don't pay authors. They are distribution websites. Published authors have literary agents who get their books listed on distribution websites. The agent and writer have a contract and the writer gets a percentage of the sales of their books minus any "advance" the agent may have paid.

YOU can pay the distribution website to list your book (they don't pay you). It's called "self publishing" and then you get money when someone buys your book. You also pay any manufacturing and shipping costs for your book. If that's what you want then you need to research more about self-publishing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:37:19
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