I got stung by a bee!!?

2017-07-04 10:59 am
I m curious to know what would icy hot do to it? Would it stop the stinging? What should I do to stop it?

回答 (10)

2017-07-04 11:10 am
Wet baking soda
2017-07-05 8:52 pm
I keep a few bees so I get stung sometimes. Ice is the best treatment. Meat tenderizer will neutralize some of the venom, but my take is not worth the hassle to apply it.
More often than not, I just shrug them off and ignore them.
Honey bees usually leave their stinger in the skin and that has a little venom sac attached. if you squeeze the stinger to pull it out it injects more venom into the skin making symptoms last longer, use something like a credit card or knife edge and scrape the stinger off, that helps a lot. The lingering pain should go away in a few hours or at least be tolerable.
Some few people have allergies to bee venom, If you have any reaction like insatiable thirst or hives, don't hesitate to go to the hospital, they can deal with those symptoms.
參考: Kept a few bees.
2017-07-04 11:09 am
Try pouring some apple cider vinegar on it if you have some. Otherwise you'll just have to tough it out.
2017-07-04 11:01 am
icy hot?
2017-07-12 3:06 am
Authorities warn that the sting of a bee, wasp or hornet could be fatal if not looked after immediately. The Greater New York Safety Council says persons who suffer a severe reaction to such a sting should seek quick aid. Reactions include continued pain, heat throughout the body, aching joints and the appearance of hives. Usually, though, removal of the insect’s stinger embedded in your skin will help bring relief.
2017-07-09 9:01 am
First, check to see that the bee's stinger was not left in the site where you were stung. If it is, get a pair of tweezers and remove it. If it's left in, the area will continue to "sting". There is a very small sac of venom at the top of the stinger, that will continue to pump out venom as long as the stinger is left in place.
After you are sure that the stinger has been removed, the best remedy is to make up a thick paste of baking soda and water, and dab that on the site of the sting. The baking soda will "draw out" the venom and stop it from hurting.
Icy Hot is good for muscle aches, not for bee stings.
2017-07-08 7:25 am
hello i wish i saw this 2 days ago so you couldve tried it asap! it really works like a miracle this remedy for bee stings Get a new / unlit cigarrette break off about 1/2 an inch from the tip wetten the tobacco with saliva or water and put it on your bee sting that tobacco will work like a sponge extracting all the bee sting poisons that is causing the pain! you can put a bandaid over the moistened tobacco to hold it on there a couple of hours !
2017-07-05 1:03 pm
2017-07-04 11:02 am
honey....meat tenderizer...apple cider vinegar....aspirin paste
2017-07-05 12:47 am
honey....meat tenderizer...apple cider vinegar....aspirin paste

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