Is it a good idea to buy second hand studio monitors / speakers?

2017-07-04 5:44 am
Some pairs are roughly a third of the original price on eBay, but im not sure if its a good idea to buy second hand audio gear like this? Would the speakers be worse if they were used a lot, or is it just a bad idea in general to buy second hand speakers just due to the nature of the item? Bear in mind even new they're still in a low price range of under $200. Thanks for the help. P.S- if anyone has any recommendations for some studio monitors that would be much appreciated as well.

回答 (10)

2017-07-05 3:25 pm
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There are many speakers still in use that were manufactured in the 1960s (or even before), have been used regularly and still work fine. I have a pair of active monitors that are about 10 years old now, and a pair of hifi speakers that are over thirty years old and they work as well as they did when they were new. There is no reason why age or use should degrade a speaker in any noticeable way.

Obviously, speakers can be damaged by being mis-used or stored badlythough. Check with the seller that they work perfectly (they're no use if they don't). Even then, you're taking a risk. Without actually seeing and checking them it's really hard to say what to do. You could end up with a bargain, or find you've just wasted your money.
2017-07-04 8:49 am
I think it's a good idea to buy used PA speakers of good quality like Peavey, Electrovoice, JBL. If you buy from a seller with many sales and a high feedback score you reduce the risk of disappointment. This is especially true for bands starting out. If you can't afford to buy good quality PA gear new, it's false economy to buy a new, cheap system which is much more likely to fail, and which you will want to replace before long. Shipping can be expensive with big speakers so if you have patience, something will come up locally, then you can often try before you. buy.
2017-07-05 12:41 am
Keep in mind that most studio monitors these days are powered so no amp is needed. Studio monitors can make great sounding speakers for music or pretty much anything. EBay is fine as long as the seller has good reviews.
2017-07-04 7:35 am
Don't buy speakers through eBay.

There are other sources of used equipment
that much more readily allow pre-purchase inspection and testing.
2017-07-04 5:53 am
If the seller played them loud - the voice coil can be burned out. It will have a buzzing or rattle sound in such a case, when played. A bad thing. Best to listen to them and do a frequency sweep to check for good voice coil.
2017-07-09 12:37 am
2017-07-08 12:25 pm
I personally wouldn't do it but to each there own. Who knows they could of been overdriven at some point meaning shorter lifespan per monitor. I got some KRK rp5g2s on special with XLR cables for $300
2017-07-05 2:09 pm
Both age and use will degrade a speaker. It all will depend on how they were used, and in what environment, so no telling without having checked them thoroughly.

As for rcommendations - depends on what you want to use them for, whether you want powered speakers or passives and how good you are at woodworking.
2017-07-10 4:49 am
I would prefer asking family members for old speakers theu dont use. I am a music produxer and i use some old *** akai giant speakers from 1900 something and they work perfectly fine
2017-07-04 5:48 am
By what need for music

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