What are some useful certificates for someone going in to the medical field?

2017-07-01 12:27 pm
I am a biology major in college working on becoming a doctor (pediatrician) in the future. I have a First Aid Mental Health Certification and First Aid/AED Certificate.

回答 (5)

2017-07-03 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pediatrician only needs to get accepted into medical school and pass the exams needed to complete them. Any intermediate certificate is a waste of effort, money and time. Experience working in the field, working with children, and medical related jobs may benefit you. Several relief efforts after storms, fires, floods, etc may look good, as a red cross volunteer, or work at a local clinic. Paid classes should only be leading toward MCAT and maintaining a high overall GPA.
2017-07-02 11:46 am
Frankly, none of the above. What helps you become a doctor is excellent grades in your undergrad program, great MCAT scores, admission to a good medical school, good grades in med school, and a well-rounded resume.
2017-07-02 2:18 am
just collecting certificates is not going to help you unless you get a job that requires them, so focus on more important things, get a volunteer position or a job and then get any education/certificate you need for the job
參考: ER PA
2017-07-01 12:40 pm
To get into med school all you need is a great GPA and fantastic MCAT school.
If you can add in a bunch of extracullicular activities and volunteering = even better.

Having these certificates is not going to help much.
2017-07-01 12:34 pm
A doctors certificate

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