My other dog bit off the head of my other dogs newborn puppy it seems. Why would've she done that?!?

2017-07-01 12:16 pm
I've heard cases of mothers eating there puppies, but in this case my other full grown dog kept on hovering above the newborn pup while the mother just kept on barking at her last night, and tonight I guess when I was away, my mom heard the mother barking non stop, so she went out and saw my other dog in the corner just resting while the newborn pup, probably about 3 weeks old at the oldest probably, was right next to her headless.
Why exactly would my other dog have behaved this way? She was an Australian cattle dog that I've had for probably 5 or 6 years that I found as a stray, and is normally very calm and sweet, and the mother is a rat terrier that was given away to us probably 8 years ago now.

回答 (9)

2017-07-01 2:45 pm
Your fault totally.

This is all so wrong. You should never have allowed another dog in with the b*tch and her puppies, but you should never have allowed an 8 yr old to have had pups anyway. She is too old and this could affect the puppies in the years to come.
2017-07-01 12:26 pm
Dogs will be dogs. The dog never should have had access to the pups. This is your fault.
2017-07-01 2:53 pm
Why did she do this? =>PREY DRIVE.When you saw the cattle dog's "extreme interest", you should have made SURE the whelping nest or box was INDOORS and AWAY from the other dog 100% of the time, NOT left outside or in a common area.
2017-07-01 10:03 pm
Then why are you dumb enough to have allowed the other dog access to the pups. byb's like yourself it seems never learn eh
2017-07-01 9:30 pm
Why? Because YOU allowed her access to the pups. Your fault totally. One, an 8 year old dog should never, ever have been bred. What where you thinking there? And after that, she needs to be confined in a safe place totally away from the interference of the other dogs in the house. Did you learn your lesson? Put the mom dog in the pup in a safe room and CLOSE THE DOOR. Do not allow the other dog any contact at all, or you will likely have more dead pups, and perhaps two badly injured adult dogs when then get into a fight.
2017-07-01 3:06 pm
So many wrongs here that I almost can't be bothered to contribute. Yes, all of this, from an 8+ year old b itch having a litter, to having any other household pets ANYWHERE NEAR a nursing mum, is totally your fault. And a 3 week old litter isn't 'newborn' either. Clearly the other dog saw these puppies as prey. And you are extremely lucky mum didn't attack and badly injure the other dog, or turn on her puppies in a misguided attempt to protect them which can happen.

I'm sorry, but you need to get all other pets completely away from the litter NOW, rear them and once they have gone to new homes, use the proceeds to GET YOUR B ITCH SPAYED. Along with any other entire dogs you have.
2017-07-01 12:37 pm
For fun
2017-07-01 12:20 pm
It's so the mother dog loses her puppies and goes back into heat. The other dog will kill all of the puppies because they're not his
2017-07-01 12:27 pm
She's hungry

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