Being followed by cars?

2017-07-01 6:24 am
Hello, I noticed that everywhere I go cars are driving back and forth watching me. This is when I'm walking , when I'm in the car with my friends and family. At home too mostly, id be inside and I won't hear any cars but as soon as I go out to leave somewhere or just to have a smoke they'll just randomly pop out of nowhere. This isn't in my head my friend has noticed it too. Should I go to the police?

回答 (8)

2017-07-01 11:33 am
Being surrounded by people who are looking at people is a normal part of modern life. You don't mention your age (I presume you are female) but if you are in your early 20s (late teens for men) onset of schizophrenia is a possibility. If you are using recreational drugs they are even more likely to produce this level of paranoia. As we said in the sixties, "kick it 'fore it kicks you."

If you are late teens and female, or are late 20s or older, schizophrenia is a lesser concern. You don't write like a schizophrenic, and your observations are mostly within the range of subclinical paranoia... anybody could misinterpret random activity around them as being personal. I think that is what you are experiencing, and if cocaine, meth, or ecstasy is involved I would bet on it.

EDIT - for those who wonder what I mean about "writing like a schizophrenic", here is an example:
參考: Mother was schizophrenic (like 1.1% of adults)
2017-07-01 9:01 am
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep.
2017-07-01 6:26 am
Talk it over with your doctor first and do what ever he tells you.
2017-07-01 6:30 am
No, you shouldn't go to the police.

You're bat-crap crazy.
So is your 'friend'.
2017-07-01 10:23 pm
Paranoia is a mental illness. Seek professional help.
2017-07-01 9:29 pm
2017-07-01 9:14 am
How many o's in LOON?
2017-07-01 6:27 am
start taking photos and/or video, then look later to see if it's the same vehicles or not.........probably not

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