✔ 最佳答案
If you’ve ever had connected with a loved one on the Other Side, you probably already know - your loved ones are watching over you, and come to sessions to provide tips and guidance about your every-day life.
The answer is: Yes, they hear you - and they aren’t spying, per se.
Often times, when you, like me, talk to your loved one on the other side, it is because something made you think of them. You have a problem, and you remembered how much of a rational problem solver you mom was, so you start asking, “Mom, if you were still alive, what would you do?”
Then, you get it. An answer of what you mom would have done or said. Not a coincidence. In those instances, your loved one was there with you, which is why you suddenly thought of them - out of nowhere. Their energy popped into your mind, as to someone who would be useful here. And it was, because, someone useful was there!
I those cases, your loved ones DO hear you.
But they don’t have voice boxes (remember: Spirits don’t have physical bodies), they have to transmute the message to you using your words your thoughts to convey the message. They are using your words as a conduit for their own - because they are unable to speak them out loud.
Other times (most of the time, actually) those in Spirit, hear your request from a distance, through a channel, a cord, up to the Divine Light.
Imagine that you, as a human, have all of the modern technologies of human life - including a telephone. We ALL have a telephone of some kind, and we can call anyone and at any time, if we would like. Some of us call and dial out to talk more than others, but we all, at some point, make a call on the telephone.
In this way, because you are Spirit inside, you have all of the conveniences of Spirit, too!
Including a direct line from within yourself, to the realm of Divine Light.
Anytime to send a request to Spirit, from deep within your own Spirit, it travels your channel of Light, back to the Realm of Light.