Question about speeding ticket?

2017-06-30 12:20 pm
Never gotten a ticket before but on the citation it said i need to pay it by Jun 30. Does that mean ON Jun 30th or BEFORE

回答 (6)

2017-06-30 12:22 pm
Pay it today. After 30th June and you will incur penalties.
2017-06-30 10:14 pm
As long as they get payment before the end of the day on June 30, you will be fine.
2017-06-30 8:52 pm
sorry you flunked english
2017-06-30 1:40 pm
It has to be paid by June 30th which is today,
2017-06-30 12:39 pm
2017-06-30 12:35 pm

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