Who was adam, eve and jesus's father.??

2017-06-29 9:01 pm

The question is pertaining to who was their biological father. Hope this clarified. Tks

回答 (12)

2017-06-29 11:09 pm
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Adam was a creation out of dust , Eve is creation out of Adam , Jesus is a miraculous birth without father , the birth out of Mary just like Eve was born out of Adam, all in all they are all creation out of dust.

Conclusion: There is no known human father fathering any or all of them . God had created male or female out of the first single person -Adam as manifestation of His power.
2017-06-29 9:39 pm
Adam was the first man and Eve was the first woman, they were husband and wife.
Jesus' father is God because he was the one who through Holy Spirit caused Mary to be pregnant with Jesus. Also, because Mary was married to Joseph and cared for him, Joseph became Jesus' adoptive father here on Earth.
參考: www.jw.org
2017-06-29 9:02 pm
Jesus's parents were named Josef and Mary

In older versions of the Bible, Adam and the first woman (who was unnamed) were created from Clay by God. The first woman disappears from the Bible and Adam is alone in the Garden of Eden. Later God took a rib from Adam and created Eve.

The current version of the Bible has edited out the part about the first woman being created at the same time as Adam. Having the first woman be independent and leaving does not fit the subservient role the church assigns to women.
2017-06-30 12:07 am
Adam and Eve were the first two humans. God created Adam from the dust of the ground, and made Eve from Adam. That same God, is the "Father of Jesus," who is also know as God's Word. Colossians 1 gives further insight into the Father/Son relationship of God and Jesus.
2017-06-29 11:59 pm
You are only demonstrating that you don't understand logic.

The Bible opens with a very simple one sentence "In the beginning God created the heaves and the earth"

Reading the bible means applying that premise... If one applies that premise allowing God to create a human or a serpent to speak or any of the other signs and wonders found in the Bible are child's play to a being with the knowledge and power to create the heavens and the earth and so there is no logical inconsistency. Instead you ignore that premise and read the Bible based on your own premise "There is no God".

By embracing materialism, the atheist has destroyed the possibility of knowledge, as well as science and technology. The self imposed priori of materialism precludes it from following the evidence where it leads to, but requires it to apply a materialistic explanation even if it is not the best fit for the evidence. This is what prevents science from being a valid or exclusive arbiter of the truth.

Are you tired of the fact that atheism (which is based in materialism, a popular worldview today) has no basis for logic and reasoning? Is it tough trying to get up every day thinking that truth, which is immaterial, really doesn’t exist? Are you bothered by the fact that atheism cannot account for uniformity in nature (the basis by which we can do real science)? Why would everything explode from nothing and, by pure chance, form beautiful laws like E=MC2 or F=MA?

Your false statement posing as a question (abuse of forum format) is just another example why atheism is a self limiting phenomena. The neo-atheists are so driven to attack and discredit others, they make ignorant statements and ask obtuse questions that make them look simple minded and naive.
2017-06-29 10:51 pm
JEHOVAH-Psalms 83:18;Matt 6:9
參考: jw.org What Does the Bible Really Teach? chp 1
2017-06-29 10:36 pm
Adam and Eve were creations of God.
Neither of them had a biological father...though it is true that in one Bible genealogy where a man from each "generation" is described as "son of" some progenitor, Adam is described as "son of God".

Jesus, on the other hand, is quite different.
- existing eternally
- came down from Heaven to be born as a human
- God the Father is typically credited as being the biological father of Jesus' human body
2017-06-29 10:08 pm
2017-06-29 9:43 pm
2017-06-29 11:34 pm
God created Adam and Eve Jesus always was, is and always will be for He is God
參考: John 1:1, 14
2017-06-29 9:34 pm
God Himself
2017-06-29 9:05 pm
God the Father...

maybe this will help...

One God
by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.
Evidence for Creation

“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)
This great verse has been recited countless times by Israelites down through the centuries, setting forth their distinctive belief in one great Creator God. The Jews had retained their original belief in creation, handed down from Noah, while the other nations had all allowed their original monotheistic creationism to degenerate into a wide variety of religions, all basically equivalent to the polytheistic evolutionism of the early Sumerians at Babel.
But along with its strong assertion of monotheism, there is also a very real suggestion that this declaration, with its thrice-named subject, is also setting forth the triune God. The name “LORD,” of course, is Yahweh, or Jehovah, the self-existing One who reveals Himself, while “God” is Elohim, the powerful Creator/Ruler. “Jehovah our Elohim is one Jehovah” is the proclamation. A number of respected Jewish commentators have acknowledged that the verse spoke of a “unified oneness” rather than an “absolute oneness.” The revered book called the Zohar, for example, even said that the first mention was of the Father, the second one the Messiah, and the third the Holy Spirit.
The key word “one” (Hebrew achad) is often used to denote unity in diversity. For example, when Eve was united to Adam in marriage, they were said to be “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Similarly, on the third day of creation, the waters were “gathered together unto one place,” yet this gathering together was called “Seas” (i.e., more than one sea, Genesis 1:9-10).
Thus, Israel’s great declaration should really be understood as saying, in effect: “The eternally omnipresent Father, also Creator and Sustainer of all things, is our unified self-revealing Lord.” HMM

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