What is a reasonable price I could charge for nudes?

2017-06-29 5:13 am
Serious answers only please

回答 (8)

2017-06-29 5:43 am
It is illegal to sell nude pictures. It is considered porn.
2017-06-29 6:25 am
A lot of these links might be nonsense yet I asked a search engine for you https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#newwindow=1&q=earn+money+from+nude

you could also ask a photographer that already makes money from nudes if you can be a model, and then earn that way.

Also, here is an amazon link to a search of "amateur nudes" https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2/136-6856509-7505529?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=amateur+nude so if you like you could get like 20 images, and put 5 of them up as free kindle material, and then have the other 15 as an amazon $product if they are really good.
2017-06-29 5:42 am
Not a lot. So much is free on line
2017-06-29 5:24 am
It would depend on the attractiveness of the model and the quality of the photographs. $2.00 to $20.00 maybe. I can't see many guys paying more than that.
2017-06-29 5:19 am
Depends on the nude lol
Idk, go for $35 for ****, depends how desperate this guy is. If he's willing to pay try and extort as much money as possible lol
2017-06-29 5:18 am
of who? of you - nothing :D
2017-06-29 5:17 am
I guess it can depend on how attractive you are
2017-06-29 5:16 am
$0. People can download nearly endless nude photos online for free. Why would they pay you for them?

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