Need some man advise 😬?

2017-06-28 6:31 am
I started talking to a guy a while back and have been finding out some rather unsavory things about his past and his family. I'm pretty sure by the way he's acting that he's starting to catch feelings for me and I'm definitely not catching them for him. He's a nice guy now and all but I don't want to be anything more than just friends. Also he's 28 and I'm only 20 so we are just in different stages of life where he's ready to move faster in relationships which is why I think he's been trying to move fast with me so I don't want to let him think there is a possibility of anything with me for very much longer. How do I subtly let him know that I'm never going to be into him that way.

回答 (1)

2017-06-28 6:38 am
The biggest mistake women make when trying to cool a relationship with a man is to try letting him down gentle. It makes the man believe he still has a chance to win her heart.

Stop talking to him. When he comes to you and tries to strike up a conversation, politely say Hello, and then say you must do something or go somewhere and then avoid him.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:46:30
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