Is "pretty" a solid compliment from a guy?

2017-06-26 7:01 pm
I feel like its meh & saying that your face is decent but your body is just ok. Pretty is like saying "average" or "cute"?

回答 (8)

2017-06-26 10:59 pm
Pretty doesn't sound like a word one normally uses when talking about a male of the species. The word is normally used for females, unless, of course, the guy is good looking but flaps his hands around.
2017-06-26 9:43 pm
Pretty is usually meant and understood to be attractive. It is not beautiful, but it is above average. Someone who is "lovely to look at" would justifiably be called "pretty." In contrast, "average" is equivalent to "nothing special" or "ordinary." Pretty can be taken as "cute" or "good looking." When a man calls a woman pretty, it is definitely a compliment and should be taken as such.
2017-06-26 9:20 pm
No, pretty somewhat means the same as cute, but cute doesn't mean average. It means more than average.
2017-06-26 7:30 pm
I find that most guys just like it when a girl compliments them in general. Too many women are so passive and would never think to make the first move. Smiling at him and giving him a genuine compliment (regardless of what the compliment is) can make quite an impression.
2017-06-26 7:21 pm
2017-06-26 7:20 pm
yes, thats fine.
2017-06-26 7:16 pm
Yes I think it is, but saying your body is just ok was stupid and rude. You should have told him he probably has a tiny penus.
2017-06-26 10:59 pm
Yes, it's a solid compliment. You sound like a horrid self-entitled little snot.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:30:45
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