Will Dianne Feinstein be President one day?

2017-06-26 3:30 am

回答 (9)

2017-06-26 3:31 am

2017-06-26 3:44 am
She will quit politics and begin her career as " Bride of Frankenstein". She will start a condom recycle business for Gays in San Francisco.
2017-06-26 3:39 am
Zero chance.
2017-06-26 3:38 am
She is 80 years old. Hell, no. She should be retiring soon. Nobody would vote for her.
2017-06-26 3:33 am
the last and only person from California qualified to be President was Ronald Reagan.
2017-06-26 3:32 am
No , She is senile
2017-06-26 3:31 am
Don't think so.
2017-06-26 3:42 am
Wouldn't mind her.
2017-06-26 3:33 am
She has never expressed an interest in the Presidency. I do NOT like her politics, but I DO respect her more than any other Democratic politician. Senator Feinstein has morals that would be a credit to even the finest Conservative.

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