Why do South Asian working class laborers in the Gulf face such poor working and living conditions while the locals live luxuriously?

2017-06-26 2:58 am

回答 (3)

2017-06-26 3:26 am
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It's because they originate from a poor country and come to work in a rich one. They don't have money or own homes themselves. They earn little relative to the affluence of their employers. It's a way out of grinding poverty.
2017-06-26 3:11 am
Oh, that's one way the locals display the fundamental teachings of their Religion of Peace.

and then there's the religion of love :

“Pope Francis said ‘caring for our neighbor,’
“ ‘for those who are poor, who suffer in body and soul, for those who are in need:

‘this is the touchstone... this is the Gospel.’ “
He cited the Gospel of Matthew as the mission statement of his church:

"I was hungry… I was sick, I was in prison,

“and you helped me, fed me, you clothed me…you took care of me." [Matt 25.35]
“Pope Francis denied charges from US conservatives claiming he was promoting communism.”
http://tinyurl.com/pq73w36 . CBSNews Jan ‘15

2017-06-26 3:05 am
Modern day slavery LOL

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